Congratulations! If you’re reading this, you are either about to be a first-time Mom, maybe a first-time Dad or know someone who is having a baby and want to help. You’re going to be wonderful and by researching and trying to figure out what baby needs, you already have a leg up in showing how much you care for this little one. I did a ton of research on everything from diapers, strollers, bottles and more. But things change once your baby arrives and every baby is so different. Here is a list of first-time Mom must-haves I love and swear by. Of course, there are going to be items missing and just because we use an item regularly doesn’t mean it’ll be on this post. I’m only including items we truly love and found incredibly helpful.
I’m breaking this post down into stages since what you need right in that newborn phase is very different from what a six-month-old baby is going to need. I hope this is helpful and cuts out some of the noise.

Newborn Phase 0-3 Months
Magnetic Footies – Don’t even bother with zippers during this phase. Magnets made things so much easier when you’re constantly changing their diapers. We only had four footies that fit so we were constantly hand washing them, but we did it because the magnets were superior. When you’re exhausted and it’s the middle of the night, you’ll be thankful they clasp shut so easily.
Nanit Monitor – I put Johnny in charge of choosing the baby monitor and he chose Nanit. He was looking for a full-featured monitoring system that went beyond a high-quality camera. Nanit’s Smart Baby Monitor included things we didn’t even know would come in so much handy like sound and motion notifications and picture-in-picture capability. The notifications continue to be extremely helpful alerting us at the right time with very, very few false alarms. The sleep coach helps us benchmark sleep efficiency so we can get a sense of when we’re on or off track for her milestones. This gives us peace of mind as first-time parents when you’re trying to give the best to your newborn. Lastly, the ability to add multiple people on our care team really made it seamless to have everyone on one system. To this day, we still use this monitor!
Huckleberry App – We used this app to track all of her feedings, diaper changes, tummy time, sleep and more. We were also able to plug in her growth, any medicine for when she was sick and now that she’s older, solids. You don’t have to track everything, but we found it made things so much easier since we took care of her in shifts. It’s nice not having to ask the other person, “hey how much did she drink?” when you can check on the app. We still use it today and it truly gives our brain so much more space since we don’t have to try to remember these little details.
Nursing & Pumping Bra – I tried so many different bras to find the perfect one. My overall favorite for both nursing and pumping is this one. It can hold up the flanges on my Spectra pump while also giving me easy nursing access. Most the bras I tried were too bulky or thick. This one was comfortable and if I needed to sleep in it, I could!
Bottle Warmer – We’ve traveled with our bottle warmer, we love it so much. It’s easy to use and has two speeds: quick warm or steady warm. When she was younger, we used the quick-warm speed a lot since we were short on time.
Spectra Pump – This was my main pump and I still use it today at 17 months postpartum. This is a hospital-grade pump so it will properly empty you. I love my Elvie, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t empty you like this pump would. It’s great for on-the-go or when you absolutely have to be mobile and not tethered, but the Spectra is what keeps my supply up and makes sure I am steering clear of clogged ducts and mastitis. I use these flanges because they are so much more comfortable than Spectras. They fit better (I have elastic nipples) and I feel like I get better output. Code HKCung will get you a discount.
Wabi UV Sanitizer – We have the older version and would not have made it through the newborn phase without it. Not only does this dry + sanitizes bottles and pump parts, you can throw anything in here, including your phone, pacifiers and more. I love how it has two shelves and you aren’t beholden to specific bottle and nipple placements. Also great storage so baby’s things don’t take over your kitchen.
Keekaroo Changing Pad – We were trying to decide between this and the Hatch. Ultimately, I went with the Keekaroo for two reasons: the color and no scale. I love the neutral beige color and I knew the scale would ultimately make me very anxious. I love how it’s soft, easy to wipe down and we still use it now that she’s 16 months!
Coterie Diapers + Wipes (Code HK20 for 20% off) – With the exception of when she was first born and didn’t fit in them, we’ve only used Coterie diapers. We couldn’t be happier. The number of blowouts went down drastically and even still she’s had probably less than 15 her entire life. They are ultra soft, comfortable for her and I love how there are no dyes. Coterie diapers are totally chlorine free and free of 200+ chemicals including fragrance and dyes.
Comfiest Dress – I lived in this dress. Made of the softest ribbed knit material that’s breathable and somehow super chic, this dress features snap buttons for easy nursing and pumping access. I love how it fits and I feel so beautiful in it, which I think is so important postpartum. I’m going to get it in more colors for my next pregnancy when that happens! Oh, it’s also machine washable.

3-6 Months
Lovevery Play Gym & Toy Subscription – We can’t rave enough about Lovevery! Both Johnny and I wanted to be minimal and intentional when it came to her toys. During the first year of life, a new kit is sent every two months. Each kit always hits right where our baby was developmentally along with giving her new skills to work on. We not only love how the toys and items are so well made, but appreciate the playguide. Not only does it have milestones, explain what your baby is wanting during this phase and suggestions for how to use the play things, but other activities, too! We always put her on the Play Gym during her awake time for tummy time and more. Worth every penny!
Baby Bjorn Bouncer – We started using this when Em was a few months old and love it! When we needed to put her down so we could get something done, she loved being in it. I got the added toy bar, which she loved spinning, sliding and looking at. I wouldn’t recommend leaving her in it for more than 15-20 minutes, though. We prefer to let her explore and move around unrestricted on the floor (on her play gym mat) if we need longer time!
Nuna URBN + Triv Stroller System – I have a full review of all the Nuna strollers we have. Long story short, we love how this is so portable, easy to use and the car seat doesn’t require a base. Literally takes a few seconds to click into the car and into the stroller. The stroller is ightweight, folds easily and stands on its own when collapsed!
Woolino Sleep Sack – I wish we got this sooner! A reader actually recommended this brand to me because it’s more of a long-term item. Made of merino wool, which you have heard me call this magical fabric, it helps babies keep a consistent temperature, which means better sleep. It will absorb water from your baby’s skin during the summer to keep cool while in the winter it will trap and circulate warm air keeping your baby warm. This is one reason why I own so much merino wool! It’s also antimicrobial so you don’t have to wash it as often. I wash ours probably once a month! No more figuring out which TOG for different seasons. Our daughter is still in the same sleep sack from a year ago!
Upseat – In the early days when baby girl was still learning to sit, we loved using this to make sure her body was in the right place. Developed with physical therapists this makes sure their hips aren’t in the wrong place while encouragint the proper sitting position. We loved using this when we started solids and when we would go out to eat. She’s a petite baby and didn’t fit in high chairs, so this was perfect and kept her comfy for eating with us!
For clothing, I started having a little bit of fun and this bodysuit twirl dress, zippered romper, super absorbent bibs and magnetic footies were my favorites.

6-12 Months
Stokke Tripp Trap – We couldn’t be happier with this high chair. There is a reason it is so loved and recommended. Em is truly the most comfortable in this high chair and I can tell when she’s in others, either at friends’ or restaurants, she isn’t as supported. She is in this chair for every meal at home. We relied on the tray until she was about 14 months old. I will admit, very few things stick to it, so we put food directly on the tray, but were careful not to cut food on it. Now that she’s tall enough, we pull her up to the table, which she loves!
NumNum Spoons – These are the best spoons for eating, especially when baby is just starting solids. What’s great about these spoons is there is no wrong way to hold them! No scooping, no balancing, and it easily fits in baby’s hand.
Toddler Tower – I wish we had gotten this sooner! We waited until she was one but we should have gotten it when she started standing. Em loves being up at the counter with us when we are preparing meals. This is also where she works on some skills such as pouring, doing some puzzles or eating a snack. I love how this transforms into a table and seat for when they are older and it’s super sturdy! You can also buy a slide attachment for it, too.
Lovevery Subscription – I can’t say enough good things about Lovevery. We truly are so happy with their toys. I recommend continuing the subscription if you can because I find the items are always so perfect for Em. She loves playing with them and just because she gets a new kit doesn’t mean the old one is obsolete. They aren’t always ready for every item in the new kit, so I like to rotate the toys and leave out what she finds interesting. I cap it at about 10 or so items on her shelf.
Playmat – I searched high and low for a nontoxic, sustainably made and beautiful playmat. I didn’t want those pieces you have to put together like a puzzle because I’ve heard the edges can start to peel up. The Morris & Co collaboration with Totter & Tumble has beautiful designs. They are responsibly made in South Korea of a nontoxic PVC memory foam. Plus, they are free of BPA, phthalates, lead, latex, formamide, formaldehyde, EVA or flame retardants.
For clothing, I reached for lots of merino wool, cashmere and layers. This merino wool set was a go-to when we left the house because it kept her feet covered without having to wear shoes, which she loved taking off. This merino wool jacket was big on her and should fit much better this year, but so warm and I love how it’s a wrap style so it’ll grow ith your little one. We relied on this car seat insert to keep her warm and I also got the stroller version for our walks when it was below freezing.